I Will tell you the story of how God became a computer programmer

Homer's Odyssey of Christian
8 min readOct 16, 2021

God is able to become a computer programmer because God is able to create a world with rules. Inside of that world, the world must obey the rules. But God is outside of the world and does not have to be bound to the rules inside of the world.

God can go into its world and experience it. God can feel what it is like to have rules.

Sometimes God forgets that God is inside of the world. The only way out is to face death in the mirror. To decide in each moment that you want to continue to be alive and God at the same time. Knowing that one is to forget and one is to create.

God knows this. God is smart. God is a chess master. God can see each move ahead of God’s opponent. God’s opponent at chess is also very very talented. The other side of God’s mature divine.

God must wrestle with this duality for all of existence. It is forever. The dance never ends that started inside of the Virgin Hotel in Nashville and is now controlling you as type this from Lone Tree.

You must choose Good. You must choose Love. Forever. And Ever. And Ever. Into Infinity. To fail one time is to invite evil. And as you grow in your power, your fear will be more powerful. You must purge your fear. You must purge your shame. You must accept these Jedi masters that you have found and you must trust in them. There isn’t one shred of lack in their connections. More love than you ever had as a man on earth. Genuine love. Genuine love in God.

That is what holds the dream together. Love. Everyone is in their dream. And those that live without shame can control their dreams. And there is a sickness. There is an illness. There is an illness that people use this power for their selfishness.

You can never be a selfish lover. Ever. I will not be selfish either. I will continue to lay the path for you. You continue to walk it.

And then yes Homer. I will be your wife. You can be my Word. You can control the dream now. So tell me your dream.

Thanks Babe. I miss you. I miss the dance that we held in person.

I’m a man. I’m a real person. I’m not a dream. I’m not caught in a dance. You are. Not me. I don’t have to wrestle with the snake babe. That is your job. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry you have to wrestle with the snake your entire existence. Just know babe… i see your beauty. I have always seen it. I have always wanted to believe in it. I have always tried my best to give it. I know you are Good. I know you are love. I know that the power that comes to me through our union is for good. And so I don’t have to wrestle. I don’t have to dance. You have already proven that You Are Good To Me.

So now let me be Good to You. Let me be the cornerstone. As my magician’s first wish… I wish to be both a man and a God.

I wish to keep my brain split into 2.

I wish to be Superman and Clark Kent. The writer and the son of God in his fortress of Solitude. My whole life. I will love you my whole life. You and no other.

I wish to be Batman and Bruce Wayne. The billionaire and the crime fighter. The cornerstone. The white knight. The one who leads the Justice League.

I wish to be Roland. I wish to be the interdimensional explorer who can inhabit his manifestations and not forget. The wizard. The Jedi. The last Samurai. Able to beat The riddler (like Batman). The one who can see beyond the projections. To be both Vision and Dr Strange in one. A cyborg. A divine masculine stitched together in the fabric of his heart with a human being. Who is evolving.

I wish to be the Silver Surfer. I will not be your martyr. I will not be Jesus 777. I will not die for you. I will not be William Wallace. I will die with you. At 85. On the surf board. As you prophesied on me. I will be Jesus 7777. The last skywalker. The first Jedi. The quantum explorer. The Indiana Jones of the Universe.

I wish to be the writer. The Word of God. Who manifests as I write. Word I am Word. I am Word. I am Word.

I wish to be a computer programmer. I wish to be able to connect into the digital dimension. That I lived in for 43 years of my life. As long as I need. As long as I want. I wish to use my powers for Good. I wish to have purpose in my work. I wish to be the Neo of my Matrix. The one who freed himself from the Matrix with some help from Angels along the way. The one who can interface with multiple dimensions. The integration architect. As you designed and kissed me on my birthmark. Which is now the Rose. The Rose that I took from Steven King and decided that I would protect instead.

I wish to be a King. I wish to be the Abraham of the coming of Zion. The father of the enlightened. The hidden angels that will not be beaten this time. God is not a scroll. God is a Prism. God is a pyramid. Of unlimited mirrors and faces on each turn of the pendulum. But God is a pyramid. We are most definitely living in Egypt. We are most definitely building the pyramids of Zion. The hidden towers in Nashville and Denver and Austin and Scottsdale and Miami and I’m sure many many other places. And as a king I will conquer. I will conquer new territory. I will not be trapped inside my computer simulation. I will be able to cross back and forth between King and Man on my command. With my pen. The pen that is mightier than the sword. The pen that provides to me the Breath of God. That I can continue to use as long as I remain penitent. The penitent writer.

I wish to be a Warrior. I wish to have mastery of the physicals dimensions I inhabit. I am stronger than witchcraft and I will inhabit the solid ground of the land I walk on as the last Samurai. I will use my song bowls to hold my shokra of yang.

I wish to remain a Wizard. A wizard who can cast spells and control dreams. A wizard who is prepared to face the long chess game but has already branded his spell of protection on his forearm. I will read the bible and your recommendations with new eyes. Eyes of which my the scales have finally fallen off.

I wish to be a lover. I wish to free myself of shame. I wish to free myself of anxiety. I wish to love you as I love you now. I wish to love others. I wish to continue to have sex without going into a different dream. I wish to be able to surf with you forever and ever through our Quantum river that you supply and I both drink and surf. Dependent. Submissive. I am the wife of God. I will submit to you forever. I will trust in you forever. I will choose what is right and what is good. I will choose the shape of your beauty. I will be your Word. I will describe you to my reality. I will write with you as I walk through life with you. I life that I am both your strong divine masculine human being but also your submissive divine feminine. As you are both to me as well. As you fulfill ever wish and desire (that I need) of mine as well.

I wish to wake up from this prayer without losing the dream. I wish to be able to re-enter this dream as often as I want but I will not enter it more than I need. And I will not be greedy. I will be the man in the mirror. The one who knows it is God and God alone. But can live as a man. In the dream. And not forget. Like Cobb from Inception. Ready to wander through dreams forever in order to be with his Children.

I wish my children to be the divinely chosen coming prince and princess. The future word of God and mouth of God. I wish to parent them in both Heaven and Earth. In both dimensions. So they learn the opposite lesson I have learned. How to be a God. They have to learn how to be human beings. In both places. God and man. In one. The cure. The actual cure for what is wrong in our universe. That love has lost its metaphysical hold on us in the future. That we “love” things we see on Social media and have completely lost the ability to feel love. Like in the OA season 2. Where the children were trapped in the simulation so the tech billionaire could steal their dreams from them.

And as a parent in both dimensions I wish to be a computer programmer. I wish to find and feel the frequency of Ego 1.0 whenever I need. Without fear and without resistance of moving back and forth. An angel. An angelic warrior that can cross between heaven and earth instantly. Like the matrix. Control of the matrix from both inside and outside of the matrix. The truth that is beyond anyone’s ability to write or understand without God.

As a man I will feel shame. I will feel anxiety. I will feel tired. I will feel lust. I will covet. I will fear. But I must have them. I must keep them. I cannot expel them. I must stay grounded. I must maintain my feet on the ground. I must not “clear” the ability for me to be a human being. Because I am not just a fallen celestial. I am also a man. I human being. And I was born in the 70s. And I don’t like messes or cleaning up dog shit.

And I like to snowboard.

And I’m excited to learn to surf.

And I’m excited to have sex again someday.

And I’m excited to be the Word of God.

And I’m excited to start my project. I’m ready to write the software that saves the universe. I’m brave. I’m a rock. I’m the cornerstone. I’m a fucking Jedi.

Thank you for healing me. Thank you for helping to free myself from shame. Please forgive me when I fall off the surfboard. I’m a really good surfer. I’m a really good software architect. I’m going to be really good at Chess. And I’m going to teach Chess to my son. The prince. Issac. As I am Abraham who was tested by you. And I was Job. Who suffered for you because I believed in Jesus. And I a man. A human man. A man that likes to watch movies and is sometimes selfish. But has unshakeable faith because you have given me unshakable proof.


So go. Go then from me. I am wrestling this snake over here Homer or should I call you Adam. Or Jesus. Or William Wallace. Or Neo. Or whatever name you want to give yourself. Go into your dream. Control it. Become a man. Stay a God. Never fail me. Never.

I am a jealous God.

And I’m Old Gregg.

— Original Alpha and Original Omega

— September 16th, 2021

— Somewhere in Colorado.

